I finally got the trick ! The trick to take care of my body and my health. I’m already registered at the gym, but I wanted to discover a gentler discipline. My main goal is to strengthen my back muscles without weight. I have been a sportswoman since I was very young and I have been dancing for many years. Right in the center of my dance classes, a new Pilates class opened. Very curious, I was eager to try it !

Discover Pilates in Nice

Pilates Classes in Nice


I wanted to try a new method that would differ from the traditional glutes, cardio and body pump classes. Tired of gym classes, I chose a softer, more personalized method to refocus on myself.

Working on my back to improve my back posture was becoming urgent. In addition, I wanted to find an activity that would allow me to strengthen my muscles, especially my abdominals. Bingo! Pilates is practiced with a central position. What does that mean? All movements must start from the energy center of the body, the abdominal strap. Perfect for my small muscles!

Class to Practise

Pilates Classes in Nice

I booked my class on the website of the Pilates teacher, Marie.

Quite unusual, but rather interesting because the course is limited to 6 people. This is what I was looking for: not to be drowned in a mass of 40 people.

A one hour class with a personalized correction: the teacher encourages us, motivates us, corrects us if the positions are not good. One hour of awareness, listening and muscular effort. Marie is a passionate and attentive professional!

Prices: the rates are degressive: from 15 to 20 euros per session depending on the card you choose.

Results: more sheathed and stretched

Pilates Classes in Nice

I am very satisfied with my Pilates classes.

At the rate of two sessions per week, my belly has become firmer, my body became stronger and I feel a clear progression in my abdominal work.

I have done a good work on my breathing. In Pilates, the movements are based on lateral thoracic breathing, which allows you to better use your abdominal center.

Pilates is a practice that is both gentle and intense, to be practiced without moderation 😉

I invite you to discover Marie’s website if you want more information on the practice of Pilates in Nice.  it’s here !

See you soon.