Let’s go and discover a city that I got to know and love last year. I saw there a city very rich in history, seaside and very nice to walk around. However, I had many preconceived ideas; “city of old people”, “nothing to do” In short, will I reveal everything about this pretty city where we breathe a less polluted air! Let’s go for a day in Antibes.

What to do in Antibes

Walk in Antibes old Antibes


<span12pt;”> The narrow Provencal streets of Antibes are very cute and worth the detour. You will find many cafes/restaurants and stores, I advise you to get lost in the small streets (the old town is very small, you won’t walk more than an hour!).

When I was little, I used to go to the Provencal market with my family. It’s a place not to be missed; local market gardeners, a festival of scents and colors, and the strong character of our woodlands.

Things to do: sit on the terrace and enjoy the local and lively atmosphere with a Moorish or a piece of socca (to make a cliché … but so true!).

Le Quai des Milliardaires – ‘The Billionaire’s Quay’

The Vauban port is the largest marina in Europe. It is known for its “billionaires’ quay” where luxurious yachts are moored. Impressive… In the meantime, we (little people) are fighting among friends to pay the deposit for a small motorboat, but we are so happy like that!

Go along the ramparts of Antibes

A day in Antibes

A walk on the ramparts will offer you a surprising view, surrounded by works of art and our beautiful Mediterranean. You will find the sculpture “The Nomad” by Jaume Plens which triumphs over the ramparts of the old city and offers an exceptional panorama. At nightfall; beautiful light shows appear (So romantic!). And the best for the end; Nicolas Lavarenne exposed 19 sculptures perched as if balanced on poles along the ramparts and in the old city, great art! The statues look at the sea … and you too !

Picasso Museum

A day in Antibes

This museum occupies the castle Grimaldi d’Antibes and is located at the height of the ramparts of the old city. In addition to offering beautiful collections and temporary exhibitions, the site offers a magnificent view of the sea. A beautiful contrast between an exterior full of history and an interior rich in modern works.

The coastal path- Cap d’Antibes

A day in Antibes


This path overlooks our beautiful Mediterranean and runs along the properties of the billionaires at Cap d’Antibes. It’s a nice walk, free, of about 2h00 if you want to go around the Cap d’Antibes. The access is easy but people with reduced mobility can’t get there…


The beaches


A day in Antibes

The main beaches in Antibes: Salis beach, Ponteil beach (labeled Handiplage), Gravette beach (all with sand). Idea: we rented a pedal boat at the private beach Keller, very nice!

If you are looking for a wild beach I advise you the Garoupe beach (Cap d’Antibes beach).

You can then go to Juans les pinswhich is the seaside resort of Antibes. It has a very large sandy beach, which begins in public and ends with dozens of private beaches.


Located between Antibes and Biot. But I won’t talk about this place that I don’t particularly like. #TheOrquesNontRienDoInABasin

There are plenty of other activities to discover in Antibes but I focused on the ones I particularly like! So don’t hesitate to post comments on your favorite places or activities!

An evening in Antibes


The restaurants that I have tested are not exceptional, so I will let you look by yourself the best restaurants in Antibes on Tripadvisor (what would we do without it!).


Personally I don’t appreciate the bars in Antibes; apart from a few “Irish Pubs”, I find that the atmosphere is not festive.

BUT there is Juans Les Pins who changes everything with “Le Pampam”. My favorite bar (rum shop) with its incredible cocktails. It even looks like Barbados, with a crazy atmosphere! There are other nice bars on Juans like the Crystal…If you want to extend your evening: go to the Kiss Club with a great DJ -Maxime Florent -(believe me I spent my teenage years there!). Average age: 18-25 years old, but the sound is heavy!

Where to park

It’s true that if you park in the city center or in parking lots, the note will be salty (or even burnt ^^) … but I have a tip! At the entrance of the city of Antibes there are 2 parking relays; one very close to the pebble beaches and one closer to the city center. Firstly, you make a gesture for the ecology (well that you do not care), secondly you will earn 10 to 20€ (ah there I interest you :p and no I do not exaggerate for the price). You will then join the city center quickly: on foot in 15 minutes and with the mini shuttle in 5 minutes. Shuttle schedules

If you liked this article and you are an unconditional lover of our French Riviera, I advise you to have a look at :

  • A day in Porquerolles. An AMAZING island in front of Hyères, change of scenery guaranteed!
  • A day in Saint Endréol. My favorite SPA in the country of fayence, calm and nature at the rendezvous.
  • A road trip in Corse. We have to admit it: it’s a paradise !
